Sunday, March 28, 2010

Home Sweet Home!!!

The first week at home was amazing. Even though we had to get used to the whole sleeping thing it worked out great!!! We decided to give the baby a bath after his nine o'clock feed. We tried to keep him awake until at least eleven. Then we would get ready for his last feed at 12. The baby would go to bed until the next day at 6 or 7 in the morning. He makes noises at night, so the first two days were hard, we would jump to each sound, and even when we slept the interruptions did not allow a full rest. At 7, my mom and my mother in law would take the baby, and then we would sleep for an hour or two. This has worked great, but now my mom in law went back home, and my mom is going home in 2 weeks. I still have to figure out how we are going to do it when its just the 2 of us and the baby!!!!!!

We have done so many fun things with the baby. We took him to the mall, we went to eat out, we took him to church. We also had his follow up pediatrician appointment!!!! I have had a great time. He loves the stroller, the car seat, and anything that has to do with leaving the house.

At home we have been working hard on getting him leveled. I have been going online to see what kind of exercises we can do so he can start lifting his head during tummy time. It is paying off, even though he hates it, and cries every time. We bought him a bumbo seat. He sometimes likes to sit on it, and yet sometimes just screams. The baby gym is like his favorite toy. He loves to pull on the toys. He does not know how to reach yet, but if you help him grab it he will not let go. We also have this toy that has little animals hanging, every time you pull on an animal a new song will play, once he grabs one of the animals he will just pull and pull, and laugh . . . he is just so much fun!!!!!

Bath time is still not his favorite thing, but he is starting to like the feeling of sitting in the warm water!!!! He also loves the freedom of no cables. I thought he was going to miss all the alarms from the NICU, but he does just fine. He likes to watch TV with his daddy, it is just so cute to see them both!!! And we play children's music for him on the computer and he just stares at the videos!!!! It's the cutest thing!!!!

We have seen a lot of progress since we got home, he has gained at least 700grams, and he grew 1.5 cms in just one week!!! I guess there is nothing like home!!! We love the fact that we can wake up and just turn and see him. And that the first thing we see in the morning is just a huge smile. We feel in heaven!!!!