Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jorge's First Month

Jorge was born at The Woodlands Memorial Herman on November 1, 2009 at 10:32 p.m. That same night he was transported to Memorial Herman Children's Hospital. I was discharged at noon the next day because the baby was supposed to have surgery to correct his esophageal atresia (his stomach and esophagus were not connected). When we arrived at the hospital we learned that he had a very rare type of atresia, and that it would take sometime before it could be fixed. We also learned that his kidney was working perfectly fine and this news was music to our ears!!!!!!
We have been blessed with great families. Jorge's family arrived from Venezuela right after the baby's birth, and my mom was with me during the delivery. My dad passed away three years ago, but I know he has been by my side through this whole process.
Jorge's first surgery was scheduled on Friday; he was going to get a gtube placed in his stomach so he could feed. We were scared because his birth weight was kind of at the lower side. Because he was a preemie he weighed 3 lbs 11 oz. On Thursday November 5, we baptized him, this was the first time I was able to hold him besides the 3 seconds they allowed me to see him and hold him on the birthday. The baptism was very emotional, and the hospital was great, they allowed all our family to be in the pod!!!!!!!
Jorge's surgery went great, now all we needed was for him to have a stool so he could start feeding. It took him about a week, and then he finally did!!! We never thought we could be so excited about poop!!!!!
Jorge kept on doing great. He had been able to move to a big boy crib, he no longer needed c-pap!!!! Then we got our first scare. Jorge turned purple on us, he had lots of secretions, and even though he had a repogle to take them all out, sometimes it got clotted, and then his secretions would stay on the back of his throat and this would cause him to brady. The brady's were scary; one night he had 46. I remember that my husband was travelling at that time, and all I could do was call him and cry, thankfully my mom was always by my side, and she always had the right words to keep me going!!!!
We spent the baby's first Thanksgiving at the hospital, and on this day we met Jorge's first primary nurse . . . . . Mariamma!!!!!
Even though scary,the first month was not so bad. It was filled with tears of joy and sorrow and lots of prayer.