Jorge and I met, it was love at first site . . . after a month of dating we got engaged and a few months later we got married. Because of our hectic life styles and constant travelling we decided to wait before expanding our family. After 2 1/2 years we decided to try, and then one day it just happened we were pregnant. This is when our journey began!!!!
My pregnancy was troublesome. At our first appointment, we were told I had a fibroid. Basically what the doctor said was that I had a 50% chance of miscarrying. We were devastated. I made it to 12 weeks and the pregnancy was still viable, so of course we went for a routine checkup. Once again it was bad news. I had a low placenta and was at risk of miscarriage. I was placed on complete bed rest, but we beat the odds and made it to our 20 week appointment. This time it was amazing. We discovered it was a boy and decided to name him Jorge Alfonso. Hi is named after his great grandfathers, his grandfather and his father. On my side of the family he is Jorge VI and on his dad's side he is Jorge IV. Anyways as my pregnancy continued everything seemed to go fine. We were planning a trip with Jorge's family, and because of the placenta issues I decided to get a checkup to make sure the plane ride would not affect the pregnancy. Once again bad news . . .. this time the baby was not showing a stomach bubble. The doctor did not seem concerned so we decided to go on our trip, and had a blast!!!! When we arrived back home, we went for my 26 week appointment, and this time we were really in trouble. I was told I had an abnormal umbilical cord and on top of this there was no stomach bubble, and his right kidney looked bigger then the left one. Doctors were not happy, and we were given the option of getting an abortion. This was absolutely scary. Our doctor advised us to get an amniocentesis; he said it would help the doctors to know what to do when he was born, and that it would benefit our little one. Sure enough at six months into pregnancy I got it done, and the wait for the results was the worst experience of our lives. We finally received the call, and discovered that his chromosomes were normal, our baby was going to be fine!!!!!!!. Even though we knew there were complications we were happy because every problem he had could be fixed. Then once again bad news struck us, Jorge only had one kidney, he was missing the left one. We were told he could live a normal life with one kidney; all he needed to do was take good care of it. We were shocked, but yet again happy, we knew we had been blessed with a miracle baby. Jorge was born on November 1, 2009. He arrived 9 weeks early. This is when our story begins!!!!!!!!!