This week was crazy. We had to go see Dr. Tsao, and since his office is at the same Hospital as the NICU, we went and visited our nurses!!!!!! Dr. Tsao checked his g-tube, and basically said he was doing great. We learned Jorge gained another pound. He is getting so heavy my arms hurt from holding him!!!!! We also asked Dr. Tsao to please get radiology to check his esophagus to make sure he did not re stricture, and to see if it was OK for him to start oral feeds.
During our stay at the hospital we became very good friends with our nurse Tanya, we had been wanting to go out with her and her husband for a while, so we finally were able to meet, and we had a blast. When she saw Jorge she could not believe how much he had grown just in a few days!!!!!!!!
I have always complained about how boring Houston is, and the fact that it is so hard to make friends in this city because everyone lives so far away, I guess this is one good reason to explain why God wanted us to stay at the Hospital so long, he wanted me to see that I could make lots of friends, and that Houston was not so bad after all.
On Thursday, the baby had an appointment with radiology. We learned that once again he had a stricture. Everyone was really nice to me, and kept treating me as if something horrible had happened, I guess we are so used to the fact that he strictures really fast, that for us its just kind of normal. Right after we left radiology, we had to run and see Dr. Tsao, he is so great, that he was able to get the baby scheduled for a dilation on the same day. We have no words to thank him!!!!!!!! The baby did great, but he had a bit of pain, and sleeping did not happen for us last night. We are just exhausted, it is going to take us sometime to get adjusted to the baby's schedule, but we will figure it out sooner than later!!!!!
Today we also had to go to the Hospital. Jorge got a modified barium swallow, they wanted to see if he could suck, breath and swallow without aspirating milk. Lets just say he barely passed. We got an OK to start feeding him orally, but just 5 cc per feed. We tried at home, and it went so bad, that I just want to fast forward time to when he is like 4 and no longer needs a bottle!!!!! Just kidding, but honestly it went bad!!! he did not latch, he would not swallow, and then he would scream so loud that I got a headache!!!!! I am hoping he was just tired and mad, and that at 9 o'clock, he is going to do better!!!!!
I am super excited because Jorge is going to celebrate his first holiday at home!!! We got him a cute outfit!!! My sister in law teases me because I get him bibs that say "my first . . .whatever holiday there is" and sure enough I have one that says my first Easter. Easter is going to be super fun, my brother is going to do an egg hunt for little Jorge, he is going to enjoy it so much!!!!
I am also kind of anxious because my husband has to go to Colombia, he is only leaving for 5 days. Five days might not seem like a lot, but for me it just feels like eternity, and I am sure we will miss him a lot. Thankfully my mom is here, and she will be helping me out.
Another great thing this week is that Jorge turned five months. Time is just flying, my little baby boy is growing so so fast, it is just unbelievable !!!!!!
So this is it for now, our week went great, and we are seeing lots of progress. I hope you all have a Happy Easter and enjoy with your families!!!!