So Jorge turned 4 months, and we also celebrated uncle Felix's and daddy's birthday!!!!! Dad was so excited, thanks to Tanya, we were able to pull off a great surprise for him !!!!!!
We also spent our last holiday at the hospital, the baby looked so cute in his St. Patrick's outfit!!!!
This month has been amazing because Jorge bottle fed for the first time, he did great, but he strictured again soon after starting, so we are still on hold with oral feedings, but that is OK!!!!!!!!
The baby also got his fonduplication, we got rid of reflux and he is doing awesome!!!! He got a second dilation and a third dilation and recovered very fast.
As every cycle in life has a beginning and an end, so did our hospital stay. Even though we could not be happier we also felt a little sad. We have made so many friends, and for the past 4 months this has become our home.
March 20th was the day we got to bring him home, and once again my mom and my mother in law were here to see it happen. While we were in our care by parent room, we had tons of visitors. We had nurses and our doctors come say bye, as well as all the friends we made during our stay at the hospital!! It felt great to know that so many people cared so much about us. We cried every time we said bye, but at the same time we knew it was not the end and that we would be visiting very often!!!!!
We have to go to the hospital every two weeks for the baby to get his dilations. So I know for sure I will be seeing you often!!!!
The baby loved seeing a whole new world. He loved the car ride, and as soon as we got to our apartment it seemed as he knew this was his home!!! Feedings and sleeping went better than expected, we could not have asked for anything else.
We have seen so many miracles happen, Jorge is one special child, and we feel so lucky he chose us to be his parents!!!!
Also today we had to go give thanks to God for all his blessings, so we went to church as a family for the first time. Jorge behaved so well!!! we could not believe it!!!!!!
I thank each one of you that has prayed, cried, laughed, visited, cared for him, and those that have kept us in your thoughts, we are where we are today because of you!!! Please keep on praying for us, and remember that everything happens for a reason, and even if at the time it happens you don't understand it, eventually you will figure it out, and see it was for the best!!!!
So now it's late, we just fed the baby his last feed for the night, and put him in his crib!!!
I will keep you updated on his progress and ours as well!!!!
Good night!!!!