Once again we witnessed a miracle. Jorge self extubated himself and decided to fly. Against all odds, he was able to get off the ventilator, and doctors could not believe what they were witnessing!!!!! Our prayers had been heard, and we could not be happier.
February was the month of the gastroschisis babies, in our pod there were four babies born with this same problem. We immediately became friends with all their parents.
Jorge continued to do better with his breathing, everyday we would see improvement. Jorge also began to eat, and was getting stronger everyday.
Once again our families decided to visit us from all over. So we decided to surprise them, the same day they arrived Jorge was placed on high flow nasal cannula, he no longer had c-pap. When everyone started coming into the pod, and saw him, we all started crying together. It feels so great to know that so many people love your baby to the extent that they cry with you and for you when good and bad things happen. This to me is priceless!!!!!
We once again celebrated a holiday at the hospital, and we made the best of it, bought him a cute outfit, and had a blast since we had family over!!!!
Because of Jorge's esophageal atresia, he developed reflux, this caused his esophagus to stricture, so he needed to go to the OR one more time and get his esophagus dilated. We also learned that he had a hiatal hernia, and for this he needed a surgery called a fonduplication!!!
We were nervous, about the surgery but also knew that he needed it, and as one very smart nurse told us "Fonduplications are mom's friend", and we decided to go for it.
The month ended up great, the baby had been improving day by day, and finally we could see our discharge date coming really soon!!!!