Sunday, March 21, 2010


So it is the first day of 2010, and Jorge turned two months. Jorge was still on the ventilator, and we were really worried. Jorge learned how to extubate himself. Yes, that is right, he took the ET tube out four times, and doctors were concerened that he could damage his vocal cords. Jorge kept on failing at every attempt he had to get off the respirator, and things did not look very good. The doctors called us, they wanted to talk to us in private, this could not be good. Jorge still had a leak, and until the leak was not closed he was not able to feed. It had been a month and he was still on TPN and Lipids. We did not know what to do, and again we cried and cried, and prayed and prayed!!!!
Jorge had several exams done, after two bronchoscopies we finally learned what was wrong with him. He had a little bit a tracheomalacia, he had broncheomalacia, and his right diaphragm was not working. Things had turned sour on us, and we knew that doctors wanted to give us bad news.
So we arrived at the meeting, and sure enough we heard what we thought was the worst news ever. Doctors told us that he needed a tracheostomy. When I heard these words, I just blocked myself from the rest of the conversation, I just could not believe what I was hearing. My husband who is usually the stronger one, broke down into tears and at the point I just felt our world was coming apart, and I did not even know how all of this had happened.
We came home, and talked about what was happening, I was completely opposed to the idea, but Jorge being the logical one in our relationship was almost convinced. We had a problem, we had different opinions, and this was not good. Thankfully when this all started we promised each other that decisions would only be made if we were both on agreement, so we decided to give it some more time before we agreed to this invasive procedure.
Once again we prayed and prayed and prayed, I wanted God to give an answer as of what to do. Well the answer was simple, follow your heart! and so I did. My heart told me to say NO!!! and Jorge agreed with me. We told the doctors we did not agree with the tracheostomy, and that we were going to give the baby as many chances as he needed, and that only if the baby's life was threatened, then we would start to consider it as an option.
This month also had good things. We were nervous because our baby was very fragile. We spoke with management because we wanted to get the same nurses to take care of him. We only had one primary nurse. We did not know we could have more than one. So we were told we could have as many primaries as we wanted. This is when we chose all our nurses. We asked our favorite nurses to be our primaries, and we could not be more blessed to have them take care of our angel!!!
We have no words to thank you all!!! Tanya, Mariamma, Marlene, Amy, Brooke, Jessica, Kristen, and Sandy you have been so great to us and to Jorge, you have no idea of how much you all mean to us!!!! Thank you one million times, he is where he is today because of your love, your care, and because of your dedication.