Sunday, March 21, 2010


December was a month full of great news. Jorge was gaining weight, his feedings were going great, it seemed like we were on a roll, and all we needed was for him to get his surgery so we could finally go home, and be a normal family.
More family members arrived from all over, my sister came to visit, and so did Jorge's parents and his brothers. We had cousins, uncles, aunts, it felt great to have so many people by our side.
One afternoon we met Jorge's surgeon, we were told he was great and that we were going to love him, and they were right, he is amazing, and we are so gratefull that he has taken such good care of our baby!!!!!! Dr. Tsao told us he thought it would take about a year before he could get his repair surgery. He explained that the baby's esophagus would have to come out through the neck, and then they would have to strech it until it was long enough to connect to his stomach. I was devastated, I cried and cried, and prayed and prayed. We had our friends and family praying all over the world.
Someone once told me that a family that prays togethers stays together, and it was then that I realized how true this was, with little Jorge's problems Jorge and I got stronger, our love grew, and today we thank God because this experience has allowed us to see the world in a whole different way!!!!!
So our prayers were heard, Dr. Tsao decided to perform a test on the baby to see how big the gap between the esofagus and the stomach was. When he came out he gave the greatest and most unexpected news "The baby was ready for surgery"!!!!! No one could beleive it! This was a miracle!!!!
So on the 11 of December Jorge had his surgery, my husband's parents were here visiting and so was my mom, it was great to have them with us!!! Now all we needed was for the baby to recover and then we could finally go home!!!!!
How wrong were we, he was now repaired, but now we had a new problem, Jorge could not get off the ventilator. He had a leak on the repair site, so saliva was going into his body, because of this he got an infection. It seemed like we were never going to make it home.
December was tough, the idea of spending the holidays at the hospital did not feel right, but yet we had to make the best out of it, so we bought the baby Christmas and New Years outfits, and decided we would celebrate with family and then go to the Hospital.
On Christmas day, the baby finally got off the ventialtor and was placed on nasal cannula, we were thrilled, we hated watching our baby with that tube in his mouth, but the joy lasted very little, that same night he had to be placed back on the ventilator.
We celebrated New Years with the baby, it was different yet fun!!!
Jorge's second month was great, our baby had achieved so much, even when we encountered a few bumps along the way, one by one we were able to overcome, and again we felt we had grown both spiritually and emotianally!!! What a Journey!!!!!