Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What is wrong????

It's been 4 days since we were in the Emergency Room. Jorge is feeling better, but something is just not right. He is feeling fine, playing and smiling, and even eats fine, but then as he sleeps, he will wake up and just scream, and he is also crying a lot which is just not like him.

We have been feeding him half pedialite, and half formula, and he has been tolerating it good, but now he is constipated, and this is just not normal . . the baby stools very often. We spoke with his surgeon, and he told us that on Friday, as he is doing a dilation, he will scope his stomach to see if everything is fine, until then all we can do is just wait.

The good news is that he has improved in his development. He still cannot lift his head, but he is now reaching for toys, and also putting them as well as his hands in his mouth. He is starting to talk (he is very good at complaining), and sometimes he giggles. He smiles a lot more, and finally realized that he has a mom and a dad, if we talk he will look for us ( I thought this moment was never going to come).

We got his passport taken care off. He smiled for the picture. It was hard to get the picture, because my arms or hands could not show. His eyes could not be closed, and the background had to be white. It was a challenge since he still does not sit on his own, but we took his bumbo seat, placed it on a stool, sat him on it, and we took his picture, and it came out perfect!!!!!! As always he behaved very well.

He has been doing really good, just a few bumps here and there, but we know that soon it will all be back to normal. Enjoy the pics!!!!