Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!!!

Today was an awesome day!!!! We spent our first holiday home as a family. Our day started a bit crazy because our church changed their mass schedule, so we had to run to get ready. I wanted a nice family picture, so decided to have Jorge, little Jorge and myself dress in caki pants and blue tops. We do not dress very casual, I would say that jeans and t-shirts are our thing, so I had to iron our clothes so we could look nice!!!!!!
The service was great, we had one of our favorite priests preach, he gathered all the children at the church and allowed them to be involved, it was very sweet. The baby is an angel, he behaved great, and did not cry at all!!! There were a lot of babies, and none of them cried. I was amazed, I guess they know they are at God's house, and that they must behave!!!! LOL!!!!!
So we left church and I decided I wanted pictures, so I made my mom take at least one hundred shots. The baby was tired, and dad was not happy at all!!! He actually told me he was not going to pose for any more pictures, and I tried my sweet talk, and every single trick I had, and the answer was always "no more PICTURES"!!!! It's OK because I got my family portrait, and for the first time we all look good!!!!!
We celebrated Easter twice this year!!! Yesterday we went to our dear friends the Ramirez's. They were super excited to see the baby so well. We had a great time, and had a great and delicous meal. Today we went to my brother's place. He had an Easter hunt for us and the baby, and also prepared a great meal. After we ate all the candy in the Easter eggs, then we went ahead and ate the good stuff!!!!!. It was nice because even the baby was at the table awake while we were all there.
Another amazing thing is that today the baby took his bottle without crying and fighting it, and drank 10 cc's . . . . that is just fantastic!!!!!Everyday our baby takes little steps forward, sooner than we know and expect he will catchup!!!
I hope you all had a very good Easter!!!!! Enjoy the pics!!!!