Monday, April 12, 2010

Bye Bye Grandma!!!

This week was really busy for us. Jorge was out of town, and we were getting everything settled because my mom was getting ready to head back home!!!!
We did more fun stuff as well. We went out with my brother and his wife. We also had lunch with one of our friends from the NICU, Anette and her mom!! Everyone that sees the baby cannot believe he was in the NICU for so long!!!
I have been having a hard time telling people how old the baby is. Its hard to explain he is almost six months, but he was preemie, so I have decided to tell who ever asks that he is his adjusted age, so Jorge is 3 months!!!!!!
We also went out to have lunch with one of Jorge's nurses Mariamma, she took us to a great Indian restaurant. It was really nice to go to this place with her, because she was teaching us what each food was, and also how and when it should be eaten. Then she took us to get pampered, it was a very fun afternoon. We also had to go shopping, the baby does not mind, as long as he is in his stroller, he can just go anywhere.
We have been waiting for ECI to come and evaluate the baby, they were going to come on Friday, but we got cancelled. It makes me mad that we have to wait so long to get the baby started with his physical therapy, he really needs it, but it seems like I am the only one that thinks this way. I know everything has to happen at the right time, but I am so impatient, I always want things right away. By now, and with everything we went through with the baby, patience should be a strength well I guess its not happening for me!!!
The baby has been doing more things, he learned to pull my hair. I thought it was cute the first time, but after having him pull it repeatedly throughout the week, I no longer think its as funny!!!! He is starting to grab things, and he has learned how to get away with not drinking his bottle, he knows he will get fed through his g tube and fights with me. I try my hardest to be firm, and make him have it, but then he smiles at me, and that's it, he has me just there!! He can really do whatever he wants with us.
Yesterday, we took my mom to the airport. I have been living away from home for a while, and yet it felt as if I was leaving for the first time, and I was not even the one leaving. Can you believe that??? I guess my pregnancy hormones are still messing with me!!!!! Another thing he has managed to do is to kick the cable from the feeding bag and be able to unhook the g tube and spill the milk all over my couches!!! He is quite a troublemaker!!!!!
So now we are all alone, and it feels weird. The baby slept the entire day, and he was so mad at me because I kept waking him up to see if he wanted to play. My husband calls me Elmyra from Looney Tunes. LOL!!! Its just funny cause its kind of truth, I just want the baby to love me, and pay attention to me, and the baby just wants me to leave him alone.
Today we went to see our surgeon, and just as we were telling him that the baby was taking an ounce of milk by mouth per feed, and how happy we were because he had not yet restrictured, we come home and a few hours later he starts spitting again like if nothing is going down. . . Murphy's Law or what??????
Well for now this is it. I will post some pictures for you to see how big our baby boy is getting!!!! Enjoy!!!