Jorge has been acting funny for the past 3 days!!!He has been crying after feeds, and then yesterday he drank a 3 ounce bottle in just 10 minutes. After this bottle we were just not able to put anything in his mouth, not even the pacifier which he loves. After this we tried feeding through the g tube, but he would just cry through the feed and right after. We tried skipping a meal, and allowing his stomach to rest, but after 8 hours of no food he still had a residual. We did not give him his late night feed, and in the morning tried again, once again all he did was cry. He was feeling fine, was playful, and smiling until feeds started. We were just scared he might have taken his g tube out or something so we decided to take him to the emergency room.
Once at the Hospital we realized he had blisters in his mouth, this could explain why he did not want to eat. We also learned that his g tube was fine, and within a few hours we were sent back home. We were told to give him food over a larger amount of time, and so we did, but again he cried and cried. I called the ER and were told that if I brought him in, he would be hospitalized. The thought just paralyzed me. So we called his pediatrician, and she told us that it seemed like a stomach bug, to stop milk, and give him pedialite.
We gave him pedialite over an hour, and so far he has tolerated it fine. We will do this every three hours until tomorrow, and then take him to see his doctor, hopefully we will be able to figure out what his problem is, end it, and go back to normal.
I will keep you posted if anything new comes up. Good night to all!!!!