These past two weeks have been a bit crazy. As always we had to go to the hospital. Jorge got another dilation, and we have been told that we are no longer going to wait until he strictures. Every two weeks he will get dilated. This should help in the process. We were very happy, because after removing his ET tube, while he was recovering he kept on stating 100%. For a baby that was in the NICU for almost five months, and that was diagnosed with broncheo-tracheo malacia, I find this to be great!!!!!!
On the same day the baby had the procedure we had family visiting. My husband's brother and his girlfriend came to see us!!!! They could not believe how big this kid is!!!!! He is huge, everyday it seems as if he gains more and more weight and grows more and more cms!!!!! Jorge is now using 6-9 months baby clothes, and every time we check with the doctor, he is in the 95th percentile for his height. Hi measures 67.5 cms. On Sunday, we also had a friend come and meet the baby, she too was amazed to see how big he is!!!!!
We had a follow up appointment with his nephrologists, and his pulmonary doctors. Pulmonary said he looked great, and that we could follow up in 6 months, nephrology was a different story. Jorge has had some issues with his blood pressure since he was very tiny, so they need to keep an eye on that. While the nurse was taking his blood pressure, Jorge decided he wanted to kick and move, and cry, so the first time it was good, yet the next 3 times it went up, so even when the first one was ok, doctors don’t trust the machine that much, and told me that in a month when we went again, if it was still high he will probably get medicated for it. They gave good news too, I was told that Jorge was not going to be able to play contact sports, and that he would need a special diet to take good care of his kidney. This day I was told he could play any sport he wanted, and that he could eat whatever he liked. I guess in a way it was kind of a relieve, because I don’t want him not do things because of my fears and worries, and then when telling a kid not to do something because of a medical condition to me it sounds like trouble to come, so I really liked what I heard.
We have also been planning to go take Jorge to get his passport. I am so excited. My husband and myself are travelers, and since I was like 6 months pregnant I have not gotten on a plane, so I really miss that. I am a bit nervous about flights with the baby, but cant wait to go back home at least for a few days. I'll post his first passport pictures as soon as I have them.
ECI finally came home to do Jorge's assessment, we were told that he is only one to two months behind, which is not bad. He has low muscle tone, and that this may be the cause for which he will not lift his head. He will only have therapy twice a month, and it will be my job to do whatever exercises I am taught. I am really anxoius to begin so he can start catching up!!
Jorge is now taking three ounces of milk by mouth. We were feeding every three hours. It takes me one hour to give him his bottle, half an hour to give him the rest of the milk, and then one hour later I am bottle-feeding again. Jorge is huge, and heavy, and in order for him to eat I have to hold him, rock him, and then bounce around, and hold his bottle and his chin at the same time, by the time I am done with the bottle my arms hurt, and I am exhausted, and then within an hour I have to do it all over again, it seems like great exercise yet I have not lost a single pound . . . .go figure!!!!!! So we have decided to go every four hours, this gives me 2 hours to rest before I start again. Every time I feed him I fight with him like for 10 minutes just to let me put the bottle in his mouth, so I was talking to Tanya, one of Jorge's NICU nurses, and she told me that the same company that makes the pacifiers that he uses, makes bottles. We bought these bottles, and we tried them, he will suck on them like if they were his pacifier, but it takes me longer to feed him. This whole feeding thing is hard and annoying, I hope that someday it will payoff. I am hoping he is a good kid, as he gets older because he is quite a troublemaker as a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jorge loves to go out in his stroller, in the mornings he cries a bit cause he gets tired of his crib, we have this thing that is designed for babies to be able to sleep on the bed (it's called a snuggle nest). I have used it, but sometimes he just does not like it, so in order for me to get a little more sleep I came up with a solution which is the stroller!!! He is quite a character. I will put him in his stroller, and set him right by my side, and he will sleep until either I wake him up, or until it is time to eat!!!! Jorge has a strong personality!!!!! Can't wait till he is a teenager =)!!!!!!!!!!
He is learning new tricks. He is getting better with the hair pulling, it is no longer just my hair, he pulls dads, moms, his uncles, aunties . . . . he is really good at it. He has discovered his hands, so he keeps on staring at them, and moving them. He holds his bottle, at least tries, and pulls it out of his mouth. He also loves to play with his tongue!!!!!! Everyday he does something different . . he is just super cute!!!! Yesterday, as I was doing some exercises the therapist taught me ( I have to put my finger in his mouth and rub his gums, and touch his cheeks so he will learn not to gag as much) I realized he has one tooth coming out. He also is lifting his head a little more, not yet how it should be, but I can see progress, it's hard for me to understand that he will do things at his own pace, but I am also learning to be patient, and this is also therapy for me!!!!!
So that’s it for now, I will post some pictures, hope you enjoy them!!!!!