Thursday, March 24, 2011

A few steps!

The past two weeks have been complete insanity. LJ was having bad reflux, he was not gaining any weight, and stopped growing. We were so worried, that decided to take him to see Dr. Tsao to see what he thought. He had a barium swallow done, and there it was . . .he had a hiatal hernia, and his previous reflux surgery or fonduplication was no longer working. Right then we knew that he needed surgery one more time. So we went to see his doctor and sure enough we got scheduled for his surgery.

We had very mixed feelings about this. We knew he needed it, but did not want him to go through the pain of the recovery, but at the end we decided to go for it. The surgery was supposed to last 2 hours. It was so complicated that it took doctors almost seven hours. We were in panic mode while in the waiting room, but thank God, it was all good.

He had a few complications like an infected epidural, and also dehydration, and some diarrhea, it took him a while to get on full feeds rather than continous feeds. After a 10 day hospital stay, we are once again at home, and he is reflux free!!!!!!!

We went to babies r us and got him a device called walking wings. It helps him walking by allowoing him to find his own balance because his hands are free. We took him to the gym at our apartment building, and made him walk on the treadmill. We did it on the slowest settings possible, and only for five minutes. He was not happy with this, but he had no choice but to walk or else he would fall. We put him on the floor, and then made him stand and walk with the help of the harness. Jorge was standing on one side, and I was helping LJ one the other side. We let go of the harness and then there it was . . .LJ gave his first steps on his own. It was eight steps, and to us it seemed like he walked a whole marathon. We were just so proud!! This happened on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 a day we will never forget.

Yesterday we repeated he same exercise, this time he gave 12 steps. He still does not take the initiative of doing it when we don't force him, but who cares .... He can walk!!!!!!!