Sunday, February 13, 2011

Life is good!!

We have been traveling like crazy. We spent the months of October and November in Venezuela. December between Houston and Miami; January in Venezuela again, and February in Colombia. I always said that my dream was to be able to live in different places, see the world and learn different cultures, but had no idea of how hectic our lives would turn out to be. The good thing is that no matter what, we are always together.

The baby is doing well. We are working on his feedings still, he was eating all his meals by mouth, but strictured again. We went in for dilation #16, and after that he would not want to eat again. We started form scratch one more time, and once again we got him to eat 8 oz of food in 20 minutes, but yet again he decided he would not eat a thing. He opens his mouth big and wide, accepts whatever you give him but he will not swallow.  We were going crazy over this, but realized his reflux was so bad that swallowing was painful. He has been spitting with every meal, we are back on Prevacid again. He is still not eating right, but we have faith that he will get there soon.

As for his developmental milestones, I think he is where he needs to be for a 15 month old little boy. He babbles a lot. He learns fast too. I am working on teaching him body parts, so far he knows teeth and nose, we are working on the eyes, hopefully by the end of the week he will master that. He can walk with support, but still wont do it on his own, I think his legs are a bit weak, so tomorrow I will start physical therapy again.

I am taking him to mommy and me classes. It is great for him. He plays with the other kids. They teach him songs, to put away the toys after playing. They play instruments for the kids. It is a lot of fun, and I also get to chat with the other moms, as the babies play. That is the one thing I  missed from the hospital!!!!!!

We have been thinking about getting rid of his g tube, but after much thinking we realized that it is not safe for him. We cannot predict when he will stricture next, and if it happens while we are traveling, it would mean hospital + needles + ivs. He already went through hell and back, so we will not do this to him. I guess he will have it until he is three. He has had since birth, so I think it bothers me more than it bothers him!!!!!

We are a month away from the anniversary of the day LJ got to go home. We are still  learning to take life one day at a time, and to understand there are good days, ok days, and terrible days, but we always find comfort in knowing that no matter how bad our day was,  we always have tomorrow to make it better!!!!!!!