Monday, April 18, 2011

Walking Walking!!!!

So finally the day we have been waiting for arrived. LJ decided to let go and walk on his own. He took a while, today he is 1 year, 5 months and 18 days!!!!!!!!!!. He gives many steps, but needs to know someone or something is there to hold him in case he looses his balance. After he gets to either Jorge or me, or to a wall, the couch or whatever he can hold to, he lets go and claps  . . . he is just so proud of his achievements and so are we.

He is also doing great with his weight gain. He is starting to get rolls . . . his double chin is back, and his cheeks are so big I cannot stop kissing and biting them!!!!!!

We are just so grateful to God and to all of those that have prayed so much for him and for us. It has been and will continue to be an amazing journey!!!!