Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bye-bye g-tube

It has been two days since LJ last had any food through his g tube!!!! I could not be more excited, I am feeding him 6 times a day, and he seems to be taking it well. He is not a fan of baby food, but I have found out, that if I mix it with milk, then he eats it, and does not even complain. He has also been eating crackers, some baby snacks, baby pasta, bread, and we gave him french fries too.

We still cannot get rid of the g-button, he still is not eating as fast as he needs to, and also he might get sick and not want to eat, so the g tube is always an option. I do not mind it being there, just knowing that he does not need it, is a great blessing.

We are also getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner. It is not his first one, but the first one at home. I am planning on giving him turkey so he knows what he has been missing out on!!!