We have been traveling. Right now we are in Colombia, the weather is beautiful, and the baby is enjoying every second of it. The baby is doing great. He is now starting to walk, he cannot do it on his own, but if he can hold himself to the sides of his play pin, or if he holds our hands he can just go!!!!!
He is now saying a few more words, Ta-ta, Da-da, and Pa-pa, ma-ma is no where to be heard. If i tell him say ma-ma he says pa-pa, and if I say not pa-pa, ma-ma he looks the other way. I will keep on trying until I finally hear it.
He also learned to give kisses, if I say give me a kiss, he will smack his lips. He is really funny though, he does it in pairs, he cannot give me one kiss, it has to be a minimum of two!!!! He just melts me every time he does it, and usually a big smile will follow those great sweet kisses.
Eating wise we are still not doing great. He does not seem to want to eat anything. I have to work harder on this though, hopefully sooner that I know he will be eating. The baby had been acting really weird. He would cry during and after feeds, so I went online to see what could it be, but could not find a thing, called his pediatrician, and again they had no answer. They thought it could be the flu, and then finally, while I was reading the news, I realized that the milk he takes had been recalled. I changed brands, and tried a different type of milk, instead of giving him soy based formula, I tried AR formula, a special type to help with reflux, but he did not take it well, and got kind of sick, so we had to go back to soy, we just switched the brand from Similac to Nestle, Enfamil makes his stool too liquid, and then we end up having accidents everywhere, so this was not an option!!!!!
We also bought him some party supplies for his birthday, I cannot believe that in a month he will be one. Time just flies. A year ago I was just wondering how he would look like, and hoping he would be fine. Today I am just grateful that I have my little man, and that he is doing so so well!!!!!