We are the proud parents of a 32 week preemie baby boy that was diagnosed with VACTERL. We have faced many challenges in his short life term, and we know there are many more to come. Even though hard some times, we would not change our lives for the world!!!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I like to move it!!!
This week we had my cousin visit from Australia. She got to meet LJ, and it was also fun to catch up. During the first two days it was hard to get out because the weather was just nasty, but then the last two days were just amazingly beautiful.
We went to therapy, to eat cupcakes, to the Downtown Aquarium, to the museums, we just had so much fun. I also took my cousin to therapy with us so she could see what it was like. Jorge loves going to therapy, he thinks he is playing, so he has a blast, and he gets lots and lots of attention from all the ladies.
Jorge has been eating a bit more, not too much, but more solids at least. He seems to like pudding, and I also gave him sweet condensed milk, and chips, and anything he would want to put in his mouth even if it is non healthy, and fattening! He takes some stuff, I guess he is not yet aware of what he is missing out of.
He learned to stand up on his crib, and is also starting to give a few steps with our help, but he is also very hyperactive all the time, and is sleeping less and less. He has been waking up at around 10 o'clock at night, and decides that he wants to play. We try to ignore him, but he just starts throwing things at us, so that we will look at him, and at the end he wins us over, and we just give in. Last night he decided it was a good idea to babble, and scream, and bang his toys against the crib at 4:45 o'clock in the morning. I could not even open my eyes. His daddy decided he would try and put him back to sleep, it took him like three attempts before he finally went back to sleep. I slept through the whole thing . . . . I am starting to think I am overstimulating this kid.
He is doing lots of different things. I love for him to show everyone all his tricks, so he has decided that when he sees someone that's not me or Jorge, he just does all his tricks at once, and then pretends we are not talking to him. I am thinking he is trying to tell me to stop embarrassing him. I do not want to imagine what he is going to be like when he is a teenager . . . lots of fun huh??????
He has mastered his crawling and sitting, and says Da-da, and Ta-ta all the time, all day long. He can also wave hello or bye, and plays games with me. He understands when I tell him to stand up, and then if I tell him to fall down, he will just follow my instructions. I am just so in love with him!!!!!!!