Friday, October 22, 2010

I don't like to eat!!!

We are still away from home. I just do not know what to call home anymore, but at least we are together as a family, and for now that is all that really matters. LJ is finally caught up with his developmental milestones. I no longer go by his adjusted age, he is now a almost 1 year old boy. His walking is improving, but he still cannot do it on his own. He is babbling a little more, and sometimes says "Ma", we are just missing the other half . . . . LOL  . . . I know anytime soon I will here him say it!!!!

He is doing better eating wise. We have his spitting under control. We are giving him more food through his mouth, and trying to get rid of the g-button. I m giving him 3 baby food bottles a day. It takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to feed him, and a lot of fighting with him, but he is getting better. At the beginning there was no way I could put the spoon in his mouth, and his hands would always  make me drop the food everywhere. Also he would not stop crying, and sometimes I would cry with him, but now I have been feeding him with no distractions, and even though he is still not a fan of the spoon, he will let me put the food in his mouth, and he will do the swallowing.

He is no longer scared to put things in his mouth, he has had rice, crackers, cereal, arepas, yuca, anything we give him goes in his mouth, some he likes and chews on, some just go straight to the floor. My does go by, and it seems all I do is feed him, but I am hoping that sooner than I realize it, he will just eat normally, so we can go back to our routines.

We have been seeing lots and lots of family and friends. Jorge's childhood best friend's mom is a speech therapist, so she has been helping us with the baby's issues, and he has been improving thanks to her guidance and advice! We have been blessed with amazing people, that have been wanting to help us along the way. LJ is one lucky little guy!!!!!

We are currently in Maracaibo, Jorge's hometown, and while here we have been having lots of fun with his family. We need to give a very special thank you to Helena, she has opened her house to us, and has made it feel like home. We have no words to express how grateful we are . . . . We also thank all those people who have given us the tools we have needed to allow LJ to come this far!!!