We have been in Colombia for the past 3 weeks. Jorge has been improving tons. We have been working really hard on his feedings, but still have not able been to get to that place where he just enjoys eating, and where food is a normal daily activity, and not a constant struggle. I know we will get there, I just need to be patient.
He has learned lots of new tricks. He can wave hello!, he turns from his back to his belly, he reaches for his feet, he picks what toys he wants to play with, he maintains his balance when sitting, he sits as he reaches for objects above his head, he nods with his head (sometimes), he sits up on his own when on his stroller, he can get into crawling position and rock himself almost ready to start crawling, he can stand up on his own when grabbing your hands . . . he has learned so much in this past month that we are just truly amazed of what a strong little man he is.
I did not want him to stop improving, so I found therapists here that could either help him get better, or at least not go backwards. They love him so much, there is just something about him that attracts people, I cannot explain what it is, just hope that as he grows he gets to use this special thing for something good!!!!!!!
We also introduced LJ to Sussy (our dog). We were a bit nervous at first. We did not know if she would not like him and try to bite, or if he just would be scared and not want to have anything to do with her, but they bonded since the first time they met, It was just super cute!!!!!!
He has been spitting a lot, we are a little bit concerned because we do not know if his fonduplication is loosen. We are afraid that the reflux will make him stricture more often than normal, so as soon as we are back first stop will be Dr. Tsao, followed by his pediatrician, pulmonologist, GI doctor, nepfrologist, and any other doctor that I might be leaving out, it will be two very hectic weeks!!!!
LJ's grandparents came to visit, we had a lot of fun. they loved that the baby can now interact with them, and respond to games, they were holding him all the time. The baby just enjoyed the attention so much, they left last night, we feel kind off lonely, but hopefully we will have some more visitors coming our way soon!!!
Jorge is just a very happy baby, he is growing super fast, and changing everyday!!! We are very blessed to have him in our lives!!!!!
Enjoy the pics!!!