We are the proud parents of a 32 week preemie baby boy that was diagnosed with VACTERL. We have faced many challenges in his short life term, and we know there are many more to come. Even though hard some times, we would not change our lives for the world!!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I can talk!!!
We just came back from our trip to Colombia. Jorge has been very active, he learned how to go from a sitting to crawling position, and he keeps shifting from one position to the other. He has also started to vocalize, its more like a scream, but he will say Aaaaaaaaaaaa, or ooooooooo, and finally last night he started saying two syllable words. . . he said Ta-ta and Pa-pa which is daddy in spanish!!! we were super excited to see him finally starting to talk, I was a bit upset that he said pa-pa before ma-ma!!!! LOL!!!!