Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy!!!

My boys and my gifts!!!!!

This past week was my birthday. Jorge and LJ went shopping for my birthday gifts. Since I turned 30, they decided to give me 3 gifts. Jorge gave me two gifts himself, and then hid really well the gift that LJ chose for me! It was fun to search around our apartment to see what it was!!! I got a new picture camera, matching earrings and bracelet, and a watch I had been wanting for a while. The same day of my b-day my brother and law and his girlfriend arrived, they took me out for lunch, and then at night we were so tired that just decided to go to Chili's and have one of my favorite desserts, a chocolate molten!!! They sang happy birthday to me, and then we went home and slept!!!!
LJ has been doing great. He has been learning more and more tricks. He can clap now, so we love to show everyone all the things the baby can do. We just cannot wait for him to start crawling, he is about to. It is just a matter of time. We are still struggling with his eating, but we will get there sooner than later.
On Saturday we went out and celebrated my birthday with some good friends. We took the baby, he was just so good. He just sits and plays in his stroller, and allows us to enjoy. I could not have asked for a better behaved baby.
I have been trying to decide what I want LJ to be for Holloween. I have been thinking to dress him like Woody from ToyStory . . . still undecided. I guess as I do some more shopping I will find something that I just will love.