It's been a while since I have posted updates . . . I have been so busy. We got discharged form the hospital and were able to have him for mother's day!!! This day we went to church and then ate at one of our favorite restaurants. My in laws came to visit so it was nice to have them with us and celebrate together. It was great to spend such an important date as a family, and to be able to have him home with us.
The following week was all about therapy. We had to have back-to-back sessions because we needed to make up for the time lost at the hospital. Even though it was exhausting, it feels great when you see that it is working. The baby itself is a full time job; I don't know how do working moms do it. This week my sister also arrived. It felt great to have her home with us. We did so much stuff together, and for the first time in months we went out and had a girls night out. I really needed it, just to sit and talk about nothing important, and laugh . . . . It was amazing. We also went to my friend Tanya's home. They cooked a great meal for us. Jorge was not so good though. Tanya's mother in law was holding him, and he decided to poop. It was a blowout diaper, and it got all over her. OMG it was bad, I was so embarrassed, I wanted to cry, everyone was laughing, and then my sister decided to comment, " Thank God it was you", but she was so calm. She still wanted to hold the baby even after that, and the baby just loved the attention!!! We gave him lemon pie and whipped cream to see if that could do the trick, and man he almost ate our hands. That kid could not get enough. He has cravings for sweets just like his mom!!!
This week was hectic too. We had follow up doctor’s appointments. We had another dilation, but we got great news in regards to this. Jorge is going to get dilated every six weeks. That is a huge achievement. At the hospital we saw our surgeons. Dr. Adam came to visit and did his and Jorge's special cheer; my sister could not stop laughing. It goes something like " HIP HIP JORGE!!!!!!!!" Jorge is such a special kid, everyone loves him, and for me that is the greatest gift I could have ever been given. We also started speech therapy. So far he is doing well. He still isn't eating much, but we gave him cheese, and he loved it . . .so now we know he likes cheese, whipped cream, and lemon pie . . .. Really healthy huh??????
We also travelled back home. He had his first plane ride. He did not love it, but behaved really well. He cried every now and then, but just for a few seconds and then would fall back to sleep. It was a five-hour flight and he did just fine. The whole travelling was a challenge itself, and we were going nuts with all the stuff. We had milk, the feeding tube and pump, the stroller, the diaper bag, our computers, my bag . . . my goodness we had like 1 million carryons. But at the end we made it home just fine, and here we are at this moment. It is very exciting because Jorge got to see his room for the first time. He loved every part of it, the animals, the colors, and the huge crib. He feels great in his crib, we put him to sleep with his head towards the wall, and in the morning when we go see him, he is completely turned the other way. We are not rolling yet, but we are moving clockwise!!!!! Like our nurses would say, "its Jorge . . . everything is possible".
We are going to visit our families in Venezuela next week. I am super excited. Jorge is going to meet his great grandparents for the first time. I cannot believe we have come such a long way. We started out with no clue as of what to expect, and today we don't even remember most of our struggles. We just love our boy, and love our life, and love the fact that Jorge can participate in every part of it. We can keep on doing what we love to do, and the baby just adapts to all of it. We are very lucky to have him, our families and our friends . . .. Life is just great!!!!!
Here are some pictures. . Hope you enjoy them!!!!!