So we had our GI consult. I told them my concerns about him not tolerating his milk, and how every time he takes his medicine it gets worse. Doctors told me the medicine had nothing to do with it. I told Tanya our NICU nurse, and she researched the medicine, and of course it said that those who don't tolerate it have diarrhea, vomiting, sensitivity in the mouth, but that it is very unlikely that this will happen, well odds seem to always be our thing, Jorge is the 1% almost every time!!! We stopped the meds, and he started to do really good, but then we started to go up on his feeds, and guess what happened??? Once again his stool got loose and he had blowout that came out of the diaper and went from his rear end all the way to his neck . . . . Just gross, and that whole thing about when its your child its not as disgusting . . . . . . not true, its really bad, but you gotta do what you gotta do!!!!
Another great thing . . . . I sleep really really good, so I do not hear noises, or realize people are coming into the room. Well every time the surgeons come to round, I am sleeping, and today the doctor had to wake me up . . . I am still embarassed, and he tells me, I was here yesterday, just did not want to wake you up, but today I needed to update you . . . Why do these things always happen to me???????
All his tests came back negative, so they think its just a stomach bug, and it should clear out on its own, I think its the milk. Someone finally listened to me, so the nutriotionist came by and we will change his milk and see how this goes . . I will let you know as soon as soemthing happens!!!!!
We were missing a picture of Jorge with one of his night primary nurses, well she came today, and I was finally able to get it . . . . It was so nice to see her, we did not get to say good bye. It really feels great that everyone cares so much about the baby and us!!!! He loves the attention, and we do to!!!!!!