Yesterday we celebrated Jorge's second birthday!!!! We had a great time here in Boston with the family!!!!!
One of our cousins got him a cake and had a little get together at her house. As we were singing happy birthday to him, he got a bit scared and started to cry, I think all the attention just made him feel a little overwhelmed. Once we got to the blowing the candles part, the crying was gone, and he did a great job!!! We have been practicing this for a while for when the big day came!!!
He had a doctors appointment the day before, and we are proud to tell you that he finally started to gain weight!!! He is 11.1 kgs, which is about 25 lbs!!! And he is growing too, he is 86 cms tall!!! Go Jorge and keep it up!!!! Our surgery date also got changed, it is no longer on the 4th, but on the 9th. I was not very happy to hear this, but oh well . . .we have waited so long for this than a few more days will not hurt us!!!
I am also very touched for all the birthday wishes sent to my little man. What impresses me the most is that people that know him, and people that have not even met him yet love him so much. He is one fortunate little guy, and we are more fortunate to be his parents!!!!!
We were really hoping that this year we would be able to throw him a huge party, after all he has been through we feel he deserves it, but I guess this will have to wait until next year!!!!! Again you know what they say three times is the charm, so when he turns three he will have the best party ever!!!!