Last Wednesday Jorge had his second surgery here in Boston, and his 3rd fonduplication. It was a very long and stressful day. The surgery started at 8:30 am and ended at 10:30 pm. We were so nervous, but as soon as the doctor came out to talk to us, it was all good news. What a releif! We learned that Jorge's esophagus was not in the right place, and that his diaphragm had to be reconstructed. He had lots of scar tissue too, which made the surgery super hard. His doctor thinks that this time it will really work, and that he might need more surgery for his reflux issues, but further down the road. We were told that when Jorge is ready to go home we will be able to live normal lives. For now we still have a few more weeks to go for him to recover completely and for us to leave the hospital. Also he still needs at least two more esophageal dialationss, but with the help of therapy he will finally be able to eat solids, and within six months we might be able to get rid of the g tube.
I do not really now how long it will take us to get him to eat normally, but the truth is that for the first time since he was born we have been given hope, and have been reassured that everything will be fine!