Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy tears!

So Jorge had the first of his surgeries! Everything seems to be going great! He has had no fever, no rashes, no leak and no infections! Today also they decided it was time to take the breathing tube out. He was supposed to be extubated yesterday, but doctors just thought he was not ready!

The fact that we were one day behind schedule just made us go into panic mode, all the sudden we found ourselves reliving the NICU nightmare all over again. My nerves were getting the best of me and I just could not relax.

This morning out of the blue he just started needing less and less support, they gave him some lasix to make sure he got rid of the extra fluids, and voila our little man was ready to breath on his own. The Boston hospital is very strict and they have a protocol for everything. They started by taking off the sedative medicines, then they waited for him to be very awake. It took him 2.5 hours to be really awake. Then they called the attending and fellow doctors from surgery, ICU and anesthesia, and then came respiratory. Once everyone was here, they started suctioning him and monitoring his oxygen levels. When they were positive he would not fail, after 4 hours of wait, the tube finally came out.

He struggled a bit at the beginning, he needed a little oxygen support and some suctioning. At this point it was dejavou I felt I was in the NICU seeing him fail after each extubation. I was shocked and scared, but he recovered very fast, and before we even knew it, he was doing it on his own. He started playing, smiling, laughing, showing us how strong and how full of life he is! At this point I just felt like a huge weight was lifted off my back, so I sat down asked the nurse if I could hold him, and once I had him in my arms just started to cry. Just could not stop sobbing, it was all the stress coming out. My tears were happy tears, but I just could not stop.

He is doing great, and for the first time since he was born, doctors are giving us positive feedback, and lifting our spirits. It seems like this time he is finally going to be able to be happy and to feel good.!!!!!! I think the fact that he is older and stronger helps a ton. We just thank God everyday that even though we find ourselves in trouble with Jorge all the time, we always find a solution to fix whatever problem we encounter.

Someone told me a few days ago that God would never give me anything than I cannot handle, and to that I must quote mother Theresa " I just wished he would not trust me so much" (I'm just kidding) the truth is the Lord is good and kind and he gave us the best kid ever. We do not have it easy with the constant travel to the hospitals, but we do have one thing and this is the luck of seeing how God works his miracles through our son. I really do not think many people get to see that in their lifetime!

Once again I cannot thank you all enough for the support and prayers. Our faith and your support is what keeps us going!

I really hope Jorge reads this blog one day! So if you ever read this I just want you to know we love you so very much, and we are very very proud of you little man!