Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We are rolling!!!!!

The last days have been hectic. We have had speech therapy, and occupational therapy, and also have been trying to keep up with the therapy at home!!!!!! We had a very special visit. Father Thomas Mathew came from India to see our little one. We had a prayer group at home, it was an amazing experience.

The baby has been improving by the day. He can now lift and hold his head when he is on his tummy. He is much more alert. His tracking is perfect, and today he finally figured out how to roll from his tummy to his back. It is still not perfect, but he is doing it. We are so proud of him, he is a fighter, and never gives up. He also learned to blow raspberries. He loves to do this all day long, and is also eating a little bit of baby food. He is not loving it, but at least some is going down.

He is huge too. He is 27 " long, and weighs 17 lbs. He is in the 75th to 90th percentile for his adjusted age, and in the 50th percentile for his real age. He is growing and gaining weight as any other baby would, which for us is a dream come true!!!!!! It is just amazing to see how much he has been able to overcome!!!!!

While traveling, he was extremely spoiled by his grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, great grandparents, etc. so know he needs attention 24/7, and he learned to fake cry to annoy us so we will hold him, or play with him. According to Leigh our therapist this is just perfect, he is learning to interact with others, but for me it gets hard sometimes. He is also throwing tantrums, and you would think a seven month old baby cannot tell, but if I tell him to stop, and my voice tone changes, he knows it is not ok, and will stop and start smiling . . . LOL . . he knows how to get me!!!!!!

The soccer world cup is the newest thing at home. Dad cannot stay away from teh TV, and neither can Jorge. They are both enjoying every second of it. I do not think the baby undertands what is going on, but he will sit on his bumbo seat for long period of times, and will smile at the little men running after the ball. I wonder what he is thinking as he is watching???? All I know is that Jorge is routing for Italy!!!!! even though daddy would love for Spain to win!!! We love the whole soccermania thing. We even bought him the team shirts!!!!!!

Jorge is growing so fast, we cannot believe he is almost eight months old. Everyday he is learning more and more tricks, and making his mommy and daddy very proud!!!! He is just one amazing kid!!!!

Enjoy the pictures!!!!