Sunday, June 6, 2010

We are finally home after 18 days of traveling. We had a great time. The baby had a blast, he is such a trooper. We have a few funny stories, like changing a dirty diaper on the plane seat . . . yeah not fun, but it was either that, or hitting my head because the plane was shaking because of bad weather . . . .. and poor people had to deal with the smell . . . another story: the baby pooping all over my mother in law in the middle of a party . . . . I am telling you, he picks the best moments to do this . . . . and while I am turning colors, everyone else thinks its cute and hilarious . . . . maybe this is why he keeps on doing it!!!!

The first thing I did as soon as I landed was go take the baby to my mom. She was super excited. She babysat for us, and then we went and had lunch with Jorge's brothers and their girlfriends. It was the first time since we brought the baby home that we went out to eat. It was really nice!!!!!!!

I keep on saying this, but I am truly blessed to have such a great big family. We had people come from all over Venezuela to meet the baby. We are loud, and happy, and If you have ever seen my big fat greek wedding . . . then you will understand what I am talking about. We had meals and more meals and more meals, I don't know how we made it back home walking and not rolling . . we just ate so much, but it was fun to have family honor us with lunch and dinners to celebrate that they were finally going to meet Jorge!!!!!!

There were very emotional moments, specially when his great grand parents met him. We all cried, he had no clue as of what was going on, he was just happy to be held ALL THE TIME!!!! Guess what??? he thinks it's going to be that way forever . . . NOOOT!!!!! Jorge's aunt came from Maracaibo, she could not stop crying, and my cousins came from Acarigua and the baby met his twin cousins. The cutest thing, the only problem was Jorge was not so excited about sharing the attention. My goodness when I see this I realize he needs a sibling . . . but I am so not ready!!! I have to find many many friends so he can play and understand that he is not the only baby in the world!!!!! Another very happy moment was when we met with my brother Juan and his wife. I met my sister in law for the first time, and they met the baby as well.

While I was pregnant I was on bed rest, and my good friend Rachael was always staying with me so I would not die of boredom . . .we both found out we were pregnant the same day, and the same week we discovered we were having boys . . . She was sent to Venezuela, and I had to come back to Houston so our babies never met. The day they finally did was amazing. They played, and touched each other, it seemed as if the knew one another, The kids had a blast and we did too. My best friend from school also came to visit. I think the baby met around 100 people. I think he is a very special child!!!!

Once back home, we were just exhausted . . .too much action for our boring lifestyles, so we decided to take a nap. The baby never woke up until today. He did not want to miss a thing while we were in Venezuela, so he just slept and slept, and slept some more, until he finally recovered from the lack of sleep . . . . We fed him because we knew we had to, but not because he was hungry . I am now getting ready for a hectic week. We have lots of therapy to catch up with !!!!!!

Enjoy the pictures!!!!!