Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Happy birthday Sweet Angel!

Alana turned 1, and we could not me any prouder of her than we are! She is an amazing, fun, loving and independent little girl! She adores her little brother, and she has just so much love to share! Her smiles just brings joy to our family!

We decided to do a family picture session instead of a party. She is too young to remember, and the pictures will last forever! We put her in the cutest outfit ever, and we all dressed in the same colors. The pictures came out adorable!

On the night of her birthday we invited some friends and family over, and sang happy birthday . . . . the kids played with their cousins and had a blast.

Jorge has been doing great. He has been eating like a champ, and is now learning to pay theUkelele. He is also in swimming and art classes. They are very active children, so I need to keep them extremely busy!

Alana is also in music classes, and is learning to swim. In her case they teach her to float and scream while she floats so she will be rescued!!!!!

On Alana's milestones she can climb on the slide, and slide all by herself. She can get down from the bed without assistance. She is finally sleeping all night and in her big girl room!!!

Last night we put Jorge to bed like we always do. First we pray, then we tell him a bedtime story, and then we give him an excuse ( I need to use the restroom, will be right back) so we can leave his room, and he falls asleep by himself. Yesterday we prayed, we told him the bedtime story, and then he kicked us out, he said go use the bathroom already! He is such a mature little boy . . . an amazing kid!!!!

We have two amazing children, and we are absolutely in love with them!