So we are a month away from Jorge's 4th birthday! TIme has flown, and he is doing so so well! I am just amazed at how much he has gone through and how well he is doing! We are just so blessed. His speech is also improving a lot, he is finally making de c, and f sound at the beginning of a word. He still struggles a bit with some words, and it takes us a while to understand what he is trying to say, but that does not stop our little guy, if he can not speak it, then he will point it, or use his hands until we understand what he wants. That is just who he is, a fighter that will never give up!
Alana is also doing amazing. She is now 8 months, and is finally crawling like she should. She can stand on her own and cruise grabbing herself from things. she i snow asking for things, she can wave hello, and bye bye, also can clap, and knows where her hands are. She is making dada sounds as well as caca, still no mama!!!! She is a very alert and very smart little girl. She nows what she wants, and will let you know!!!
The cutest thing is to watch them both interact. They fight, and they hug an kiss. Jorge is a loving and caring big bro, and she is a little pain in his behind! LOL we are just so in love!!!!