So we began the training for Jorge to finally get rid of his diapers. Today was the first day and he went three times in his potty!!!!
The first time was early int he morning, I made sure the room was really cold, and turned on the water, took his diaper off, and sat them on his Elmo potty, And two minutes later, he went. We were so excited and cheered for him so much, that the second time he took his diaper off, and told me he wanted to go to the bathroom, the lights were off, so he would not go in, so as soon as I turned them on, he went in and peed a bit on the floor, I quickly sat him again, and he finished in his toilet. The third time was after his nap, he went like a pro!!! I think the first day went awesome, at this pace, he will no longer use diapers very soon!!!!!!