It has been a while since i have posted any updates. We have been so busy. Jorge has therapy everyday of the week. He has Speech (eating) therapy Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. He has Physical therapy on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Occupational therapy on Fridays. He does not love it, but it is really helping. He has improved so much.
We also celebrated Fathers day. We stayed home, and enjoyed a day full of sports. That was my husband's wish, so it was granted. I bought the baby a bib that said Happy Father's day . . . a card that we could record on, so I made the baby cry, and then recorded his cry so that his dad could keep it!!!!!! It was a fun day!!!!
We had to go to the hospital so that little Jorge could get another dilation. We went from two weeks to 3 weeks, and then to six weeks, and now it seems as if we are going to be able to stretch it to every eight weeks. It is a great feeling to see so much improvement. He is now starting to eat. He will take up to 10 spoons of baby food, but he learned to blow raspberries, and half the food he will just blow out!!!
We have also been able to enjoy the Soccer World Cup fever . . . . we bought the baby Italy and Spain outfits to match ours. We are fans of these two teams . . . . we have had a blast!!!! We have been watching games with some friends and their kids and the baby just seems to be having a blast. He tends to get a little mad when he does not get 100% of the attention, we are trying to work on that!!!!
We celebrated our first 4th of July, that day, my husband had to travel to Colombia, and I went to Florida to see my mom and sister, and some friends. We had a great time. My oldest brother was finally able to meet the baby. I had a few play dates. The baby had so much attention, that he learned to throw his arms at you when he wants you to hold him, or when he just wants his mommy or his daddy!!!!!
The baby seems to have a thing for phones. Since Jorge was out of town, I would make him talk to the baby, the baby would get excited and start looking for him, when he realized his daddy was not anywhere near sight he would just start crying . . . it is the cutest thing to see how much he misses us.
I had to travel alone with the baby for the first time. It did not go too bad except for just one thing. The baby decided to poop right before boarding, and it was a blowout diaper. The poop was everywhere. It was not fun to clean and change him on a little changing table at an airport public restroom. He seems to know when the perfect time is to do these things . . . it just shows me how fun his teenage years are going to be . . really looking forward to that!!!!
Yesterday, we went to visit some friends to watch the final match for the Soccer World Cup, we had so much fun, the baby was dressed with his Spain outfit. We feel very lucky to be able to do so many things with him, and that he behaves so well!!! We had a rough start, but with time everything just gets better and better!!!
Enjoy the pictures!!!!!!