Monday, September 11, 2023

2023 is almost gone!

 So we are here in the middle of chaos. The kids are full of after school activities and I feel like a mad driver going back and forth around the town taking them to all their things. Jorge is playing football! We tried so hard to convince him to play any other sport, but it did not matter, we ended up saying yes, and we just love to watch him play, in his Viking uniform on Tuesday nights. He is doing great with school, he is the coolest kid in town!

Alana is all about dance, dance friends, dance shoes, she could have a room at her studio if she was allowed. She has more sass than I can describe, and in my eyes hace the happiest feet in the world. She is a little social butterfly. Very loved by her friends and is just happy as can be. I have to say, she is out of three the one that is constantly resting my patience, and I can’t seem to keep up with it!

Then we have my rainbow baby! Amy big almost 3 year old crazy head! Oh how madly in love this entire family is with that child. We all can spend hours watching her be. She does not need to do much to have our attention, and we just love to be around her. Alana and Jorge adore her, and she just makes our souls smile. She has her own set of tricks. She loves to sing, and she can write and eat and kick with both left and right equally. She is very smart, I can say she was the easiest to potty train and train in any aspect except sleep. She can have full conversation with you, is so very articulate! She said momma before dadá’ so of course I am not biased. This child makes our hearts explode. She is the worst sleeper. Jorge is by far the best sleeping buddy in the world! 

Our lives are so hectic and crazy but this family of mine means the world to me! To say I am in love with my 3 kids is an understatement. Each one is so special in their own unique way! They light my days and they feed my soul! Oh what a happy momma I am!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Life after a pandmeic

 We have had a crazy year. In the middle of crazy times we realized our dream of having a third baby came true! We tried for this baby for years, and all we got was broken hearts! We had two miscarriages, and after treatments, surgery and so many upsetting negative pregnancy tests, we learned we were pregnant. We did not tell the kids until we knew the baby was ok, we had told the kids too soon before, and then had a hard time explaining the baby was no longer coming. We waited until Father’s Day to reveal the gender and we found out we. We’re having a little princess!!! Jorge and I were happy with a either a boy or a girl! Alana was dying for a sister, and little Jorge almost died when he realized he was outnumbered!!! We decided to name her Azul Elena! I met a little girl once with this name, and it just stuck! The pregnancy was hard on me, I had some breathing issues, and was tired, also I was caring for my mom who had been very sick! This baby was the joy this family needed to face the times ahead of us.We knew she would be early, all the kids have been premature, but this one decided to make her grand entrance 9 weeks early. On November 12, 2020 we welcomed our precious baby and she is just perfect. We spend the first 5 weeks in the NICU, not easy when you are in the middle of a pandemic, but with masks and everything we survived. This little one refused to eat, so I decided to stay for a full week night and day in the NICU and finally two days before Xmas after training her to eat we brought her home! She spent the Holidays with her siblings, her grand parents, and her uncles and aunt! We had a magical time. As time passed my mom figured out a way of bonding with her. Azul would nap and cuddle in the middle of my moms legs and my mom would hold to her foot. ALS took my moms ability to move, but we were able to have them both bond and share a love like no other. Mom passed away in March, but I will forever remember how much she loved this baby! 

This baby is a smarty pants. She can do tricks already. She can sing along the gum rain song! She can stick her tongue out when prompted to do so, she can wink her eyes of asked too. She is now six months and is able to turn, sit, hold her bottle of it’s half empty. She started eating baby food today, and it was not very tasty apparently.

Azul is strong minded. She knows what she wants, and at her short age we can see that she will be able to get her way. She is not one that is easy to convince and has the most beautiful eyes we have ever seen! We know she will be very successful in life! This kid makes my heart pound, she has us head over hills for her!

Jorge is also reaching an amazing milestone! He is going to middle school!! I cannot believe how much this child has grow. And we are so proud of him! He is so handsome and so sweet and such an amazing little boy! He loves sports, and we love to see him playing with other kids. I think he will be involved in the world of sports when he is older! He is just so passionate about it! I am just madly in love with him.

Alana is also quite something else! She got accepted into a program for gifted kids and she loves loves the challenges ....she dances like a superstar and has a very strong personality! I think she will be in showboat when she grows .... she has this adorable personality and she can drive me nuts... but I love this child to pieces!

I feel my family is now complete, I am blessed with these kids and with life

Monday, June 24, 2019

Fast forward 4 years!

So in the last 4 years our lives have turned around. We have had some great happy moments, and others a bit sad.

To begin we moved to Houston. After buying our dream home, and fixing it to our taste, we had to make the decision to sell it, the good news is, that we got to buy a new one, and we love it.

The kids are so grown up. Now a days they are independent. Jorge eats like champ. He got braces, and after trying out many sports like basket ball, taekwondo, baseball, tennis, swimming, he has decided soccer is his thing. He also takes piano lessons and loves art. I think when he grows up he will be either an architect or a graphic designer. He wants to be a soccer player, only time will tell.

As far as his health, he is growing. He is not the tallest kid in his class, but is not the shortest either. We finally passed the 50 lbs in his weight, he is a thin kid, but a really healthy one. He still needs dialations once a year, and will probably need some kind of surgery down the road, but I think he is doing great, and for that I am forever grateful.

Alana is also doing great. Last year she too got glasses, and she wears them like a superstar. She dances, and wow! She has sass. She can do whatever she puts her mind in to. I think this girl is going to be famous. She likes the adrenaline performing gives you, and she loves to shine. She is quite competitive and adorable and cute. For now she wants to perform for Simon in Americas got talent, and she wants to be a singer. We will see what life has in store for her.

As far as Jorge and me, we have had a few rough years. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, early stages and totally curable. We took care of that, only to learn that my mom has ALS, devastating news. We try not to let this diagnosis affect us, but it is a horrible disease. We also lost a baby this year, but Jorge and Alana are healthy and for that we are greatful.

We have also openned new business ventures. I have a shades business, and we now co-own a music school. We live crazy hectic lives. We have made amazing friends, and we just love to live. We try to make the best out of each situation and live as happy as we can.

That for now sums up the last 4 years 😉.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Time flies!!!

I almost have no time to blog ... I do like to write here, but so much has changed. Jorge started his big boy school. He is doing amazing. His teachers love him, and he loves them. He is now going to kindergarden.... he is so si so big. He is also eating like a champ.... almost everything he can.... he eats like a little pigglet. He knows his numbers and letters. He is a very expressive and friendly kid. He was not growing much so after months of screening he finally started taking growth hormones. We have seen changes was very hard to poke him everyday, but he is the most amazing kid I know, and ay only five understands he needs this. We are very blessed and everytime we can we give thanks for our kids.

Alana just turned two. She is amazing too. She is already pottu trained. She sleeps in her big girl bed. She is never quiet. She will not stop talking... and has a personality that will allow her to go places we could not even imagine existed. She will be in showbusiness. She does not know the word shy. She will sung and dance and act infront of any audience .... entertaining is her thing. We think she is thr cuttest little girk ever, but yet again we are her parents so our opinion in biased.

They are growing so so fast ... but as they grow we just sit and realize that life cannot get any better. It does not matter how bad your day goes, just buy kissing these two ... greatness begins.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

I love you!

So today I was reading an article on facebook where it said that one of the things we should do with our kids is writing letters. I blog every so often, but I have never told either one of my kids what they mean to me, and so in case something ever happened to us, I wanted each one of the them to know how they make me feel.

When we first knew we were going to be parents, we were so scared and excited at the same time. We had no idea of how we were going to do it, and we just could not wait to meet you, to hold you, and to love you. When we learned that you were special, we were once again afraid, but the minute you were born, all those fears just went away, and then we realized that all we needed was you. It does not matter if we have a good day or a bad day, if you are with us our days just brighten up. We know you do not have it easy, but we also know you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. You have the biggest heart out there, and have the strength and courage that not even your favorite superheroes dream of having. Everyday as we see you grow we thank God that you chose us to be your parents. You are a true blessing, and an example to follow. We love you so much little man!

When we first learned we were expecting you we just could not believe how lucky we were. When we learned you were a girl our world just turned upside down, and when we first met you we realized that not even in our wildest dreams we could of have had a more perfect daughter. You are an amazing little girl, smart as can be, you know what you want and where you want to go, and you are just unstoppable. We know that whatever you want for life you will get, and we work everyday to make sure you know that. You are also the most adorable thing ever, every time you smile our hearts just melt, and when you hug us or kiss us, our world just stops. We thank God everyday for you and for your brother, and because you too chose us to be your parents. We cannot wait to see you grow. we love you dearly sweet angel!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Happy birthday Sweet Angel!

Alana turned 1, and we could not me any prouder of her than we are! She is an amazing, fun, loving and independent little girl! She adores her little brother, and she has just so much love to share! Her smiles just brings joy to our family!

We decided to do a family picture session instead of a party. She is too young to remember, and the pictures will last forever! We put her in the cutest outfit ever, and we all dressed in the same colors. The pictures came out adorable!

On the night of her birthday we invited some friends and family over, and sang happy birthday . . . . the kids played with their cousins and had a blast.

Jorge has been doing great. He has been eating like a champ, and is now learning to pay theUkelele. He is also in swimming and art classes. They are very active children, so I need to keep them extremely busy!

Alana is also in music classes, and is learning to swim. In her case they teach her to float and scream while she floats so she will be rescued!!!!!

On Alana's milestones she can climb on the slide, and slide all by herself. She can get down from the bed without assistance. She is finally sleeping all night and in her big girl room!!!

Last night we put Jorge to bed like we always do. First we pray, then we tell him a bedtime story, and then we give him an excuse ( I need to use the restroom, will be right back) so we can leave his room, and he falls asleep by himself. Yesterday we prayed, we told him the bedtime story, and then he kicked us out, he said go use the bathroom already! He is such a mature little boy . . . an amazing kid!!!!

We have two amazing children, and we are absolutely in love with them!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Welcome 2014!

A lot has happened in the last 2 months!!! Alana started walking . . . . she started at 9.5 months giving a few steps then falling, then we went on a mini vacation to Curacao, where she turned 10 months, and right there at the airport, she decided it was time to fly, and has been unstoppable ever since.

Jorge has been talking so much better, his eating is almost perfect, and we discovered he has astigmatism, so he got glasses. He is very excited about them. We also found out he has a droopy eye, so at some point he will get that fixed.

We celebrated Alana's first Christmas, and it was amazing, The kids has so much fun. Jorge asked Santa to bring him an entire store almost, but he is a kid that loves to play, so Santa brought him every single item on his list.

We went to Orlando for New Years. Both my kids danced the night away, they got on the Dj stand and performed for the entire party, it was amazing to see Jorge doing so well, and for Alana to follow him, they were just the cutest thing ever.

Now we are preparing ourselves for Alana's first birthday. Not quite sure what we will do, but her outfit is ready . . . . cannot wait for this day!!!!