So we are here in the middle of chaos. The kids are full of after school activities and I feel like a mad driver going back and forth around the town taking them to all their things. Jorge is playing football! We tried so hard to convince him to play any other sport, but it did not matter, we ended up saying yes, and we just love to watch him play, in his Viking uniform on Tuesday nights. He is doing great with school, he is the coolest kid in town!
Alana is all about dance, dance friends, dance shoes, she could have a room at her studio if she was allowed. She has more sass than I can describe, and in my eyes hace the happiest feet in the world. She is a little social butterfly. Very loved by her friends and is just happy as can be. I have to say, she is out of three the one that is constantly resting my patience, and I can’t seem to keep up with it!
Then we have my rainbow baby! Amy big almost 3 year old crazy head! Oh how madly in love this entire family is with that child. We all can spend hours watching her be. She does not need to do much to have our attention, and we just love to be around her. Alana and Jorge adore her, and she just makes our souls smile. She has her own set of tricks. She loves to sing, and she can write and eat and kick with both left and right equally. She is very smart, I can say she was the easiest to potty train and train in any aspect except sleep. She can have full conversation with you, is so very articulate! She said momma before dadá’ so of course I am not biased. This child makes our hearts explode. She is the worst sleeper. Jorge is by far the best sleeping buddy in the world!
Our lives are so hectic and crazy but this family of mine means the world to me! To say I am in love with my 3 kids is an understatement. Each one is so special in their own unique way! They light my days and they feed my soul! Oh what a happy momma I am!