So today I was reading an article on facebook where it said that one of the things we should do with our kids is writing letters. I blog every so often, but I have never told either one of my kids what they mean to me, and so in case something ever happened to us, I wanted each one of the them to know how they make me feel.
When we first knew we were going to be parents, we were so scared and excited at the same time. We had no idea of how we were going to do it, and we just could not wait to meet you, to hold you, and to love you. When we learned that you were special, we were once again afraid, but the minute you were born, all those fears just went away, and then we realized that all we needed was you. It does not matter if we have a good day or a bad day, if you are with us our days just brighten up. We know you do not have it easy, but we also know you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. You have the biggest heart out there, and have the strength and courage that not even your favorite superheroes dream of having. Everyday as we see you grow we thank God that you chose us to be your parents. You are a true blessing, and an example to follow. We love you so much little man!
When we first learned we were expecting you we just could not believe how lucky we were. When we learned you were a girl our world just turned upside down, and when we first met you we realized that not even in our wildest dreams we could of have had a more perfect daughter. You are an amazing little girl, smart as can be, you know what you want and where you want to go, and you are just unstoppable. We know that whatever you want for life you will get, and we work everyday to make sure you know that. You are also the most adorable thing ever, every time you smile our hearts just melt, and when you hug us or kiss us, our world just stops. We thank God everyday for you and for your brother, and because you too chose us to be your parents. We cannot wait to see you grow. we love you dearly sweet angel!