Sunday, July 21, 2013

A whole new World!

So a lot has happened in the last year. To begin we got pregnant had a baby, and are now going crazy with both kids. We were blessed with an adorable little girl, and we named her Alana Sofia!. She is just perfect, the most sweet baby ever.  Jorge has also been doing great, he has grown so much. He is now a big brother/ big boy, that is fully potty trained, that no longer has a gtube, and that sleeps in his room in his big boy bed. He is super smart, super cute, and has quite a temper. I am told that this is to be expected, he had to learn to fight to survive, and it became part of his lifestyle.

We have been working hard on his speech. He can communicate, but he has trouble with his pronunciation. He has a few speech disorders, like changing the c sound for a  t, and also deleting syllables, but overall, he is doing great. He is also playing sports. We have him in tennis lessons, and also he has been learning how to swim! On the health issues we finally got his GI system working properly, we are taking a break from dialations, and it seems its for good! We now have one more problem to tackle, which is to remove a cyst in his bladder, and then I think he will no longer need any more surgeries, at least not for now!

He is the most amazing brother, he just adores his baby sister. He likes to help me with the bathing, diaper changing, and even the feeding. He does get a bit jealous sometimes, but for the most part he has been super good!

The baby is also a super star. She is so advanced for her age. She lifted her head almost a week after she was born, also she was born with her eyes wide open, and was able to stay awake for 4 hours straight the night she was born. She started putting weight on her feet by the time she was 2 months. At this same time she started turning from her belly upwards. She also learned before she was three months to hold her bottle. At three months she was also pushing upwards, and standing with assistance. At four months she was already sitting and rolling, and at 5 months she already started crawling, its more like a snake move, but she is moving all over!

Both my kids just continue to amaze me. Jorge is such a bright kid, and a fighter, he was able to learn to crawl, turn, lift his head, sit, stand up, and give steps, in three months, I think it is amazing specially considering that he was in the NICU for 5 months, and also was hooked to a ventilator for most of this his stay there, and then my baby girl, she is just a very curious and fast learning little girl. They are just out of this world.

Jorge was such a good sleeper. Since he was tiny he was very well behaved and calm. Alana on the other hand is wild, loud, won't sleep. She is the opposite of what her baby brother was, but like I always say I would not have it any other way! I am just completely in love with my family!