Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy 2012!!! let the good news begin!!!

So we had a wonderful and family filled christmas and new years! Jorge had a lot of fun, and so did we. We had both our families here, so Jorge got way to much attention, and of course got rotten spoiled. He is again the only baby in our families, so for now everything is allowed.

Right after New Years, most of the family left to go back home, and we yet again had a trip planned to Boston. We were not very excited to have to travel, and to have to deal with the freezing weather, but we had freezing weather here in Florida too, which helped a bit with the transition!!!!

Jorge had his number ?@?#?$ dilatation, we just lost count by now, and as we were expecting to hear that we needed to come back in a few weeks, the doctor gave us the most wonderful news ever. After 8 major surgeries and an unknown number of dilatations we are done! We finally got Jorge's esophagus to look like a tube, and not like a sand clock, and what this means is that we do not need to go to Boston for a while, and also that he will soon be able to eat solids, and whatever he wants, and that he will not have to go under anesthesia for a huge while.

I have laughed, cried, laughed and cried again. I feel like so much weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and most important I feel thrilled to be able to have a normal life, and allow Jorge to grow like all the other kids. Not fearing that he will catch a cold, so surgery does not get postponed, allowing him to play with other kids, and outdoors, to go in the pool, eat mud, all those little things that almost everyone takes for granted, but that for us just means a huge deal!!!!!

We continue to be amazed with his spirit. As we were waiting in the Hospital for him to get his procedure done, we realized that everyone knew him. When I say everyone that's exactly what I mean. The receptionist, lab techs, nurses, doctors, everyone just stopped to say hi to him, and he as always gave everyone of them a huge smile and his little hand wave that just melts my heart. He is just unstoppable, he will not let anything bring him down, and I trully hope he keeps this wonderful attitude through out his life, because if he does, nothing will stop him from achieving whatever he wants!

Now I have to focus on getting him to eat. Once we are able to do this, then the next step will be to get rid of the gtube. We do not know how long it will take, but we do  hope the time comes soon enough, so what is left of all this experience is the lessons learned and the memories, all though tough sometimes, rewarding and important to help us become the family we are today!!!!!!

We got the best Christmas gift ever, and we hope you all did as well!!!!!!!!!